The ClinGen Evidence Repository is an FDA-recognized human genetic variant database containing expert-curated assertions regarding variants' pathogenicity and supporting evidence summaries. [Disclaimer]

Variant: NM_000329.3(RPE65):c.1597T>A (p.Ser533Thr)


870342 (ClinVar)

Gene: RPE65
Condition: RPE65-related recessive retinopathy
Inheritance Mode: Autosomal recessive inheritance
UUID: 735c5a86-d4d4-43c1-9cd2-06280c74846e
Approved on: 2024-02-18
Published on: 2024-02-18

HGVS expressions

NM_000329.3(RPE65):c.1597T>A (p.Ser533Thr)

Uncertain Significance

Met criteria codes 1
Not Met criteria codes 3

Evidence Links 0

Expert Panel

Criteria Specification Information

Criteria Specification: ClinGen Leber Congenital Amaurosis/early onset Retinal Dystrophy Expert Panel Specifications to the ACMG/AMP Variant Interpretation Guidelines for RPE65 Version 1.0.0

Criteria Specification Approval History
Criteria Specifications for this VCEP
Evidence submitted by expert panel
Leber Congenital Amaurosis/early onset Retinal Dystrophy VCEP
NM_000329.3:c.1597T>A is a missense variant in RPE65 causing substitution of serine with threonine at position 533. This variant is present in gnomAD v.2.1.1 at a GrpMax allele frequency of 0.00002596, with 3 alleles / 30608 total alleles in the South Asian population, which is lower than the ClinGen LCA / eoRD VCEP PM2_Supporting threshold of <0.0002 (PM2_Supporting). The computational predictor REVEL gives a score of 0.568, which is below the ClinGen LCA / eoRD VCEP threshold of ≥ 0.644 and does not predict a damaging effect on RPE65 function. Additionally, the splicing impact predictor SpliceAI gives a score of 0.00 for all change types, which is below the ClinGen LCA / eoRD VCEP recommended threshold of ≥0.2 and does not strongly predict an impact on splicing. At least one proband harboring this variant exhibits a phenotype including a diagnosis of Leber congenital amaurosis, however other available phenotypes are not sufficient to evaluate specificity for RPE65-related recessive retinopathy and no second variant has been identified, so PP4 is not met (PMID: 17964524). This variant has been reported in at least 1 proband with early-onset severe retinal dystrophy who harbored the variant in the compound heterozygous state (PMID: 25097241). However, the proband was not counted for PM3_Supporting because the NM_000329.3(RPE65):c.89T>C (p.Val30Ala) variant suspected in trans has not yet been classified for RPE65-related recessive retinopathy and because sufficient phenotype information was not available. In summary, this variant meets the criteria to be classified as a variant of uncertain significance for RPE65-related recessive retinopathy based on the ACMG/AMP criteria applied, as specified by the ClinGen LCA / eoRD VCEP: PM2_Supporting (VCEP specifications version 1.0.0; date of approval 09/21/2023).
Met criteria codes
This variant is present in gnomAD v.2.1.1 at a GrpMax allele frequency of 0.00002596, with 3 alleles / 30608 total alleles in the South Asian population, which is lower than the ClinGen LCA / eoRD VCEP PM2_Supporting threshold of <0.0002 (PM2_Supporting).
Not Met criteria codes
At least one proband harboring this variant is compound heterozygous for the p.Val30Ala variant (without confirmation in trans) and exhibits a phenotype consistent with retinitis pigmentosa, but details are not sufficiently reported to consider inclusion in PM3 (PMID: 25097241). The p.Val30Ala variant is rare but has not yet been submitted to ClinVar or classified by the ClinGen Leber congenital amaurosis / early onset retinal dystrophy VCEP.
At least one proband harboring this variant exhibits a phenotype consistent with retinitis pigmentosa, but details are not sufficiently reported to consider specificity for RPE65-related recessive retinopathy, so PP4 is not met (PMID: 25097241).
The computational predictor REVEL gives a score of 0.568, which is below the ClinGen LCA / eoRD VCEP threshold of ≥ 0.644 and does not predict a damaging effect on RPE65 function. Additionally, the splicing impact predictor SpliceAI gives a score of 0.00 for all change types, which is below the ClinGen LCA / eoRD VCEP recommended threshold of ≥0.2 and does not strongly predict an impact on splicing.
The information on this website is not intended for direct diagnostic use or medical decision-making without review by a genetics professional. Individuals should not change their health behavior solely on the basis of information contained on this website. If you have questions about the information contained on this website, please see a health care professional.
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