The ClinGen Evidence Repository is an FDA-recognized human genetic variant database containing expert-curated assertions regarding variants' pathogenicity and supporting evidence summaries. [Disclaimer]
  • There was no gene found in the curated document received from the VCI/VCEP
  • Gene listed was thus derived from ClinVar and/or CAR
  • The variant label for this record ("NC_012920.1(MT-ND6"):m.14633A>G) does not appear to be in HGVS format

Variant: NC_012920.1(MT-ND6):m.14633A>G


618219 (ClinVar)

Gene: MT-ND6
Condition: mitochondrial disease
Inheritance Mode: Mitochondrial inheritance
UUID: e0804895-ec82-4adb-89f4-3974966b66c5
Approved on: 2023-03-28
Published on: 2023-03-29

HGVS expressions


Uncertain Significance

Met criteria codes 1
Not Met criteria codes 10

Evidence Links 0

Expert Panel

Criteria Specification Information

Criteria Specification: ClinGen Mitochondrial Disease Nuclear and Mitochondrial Expert Panel Specifications to the ACMG/AMP Variant Interpretation Guidelines Version 1_mtDNA

Criteria Specification Approval History
Criteria Specifications for this VCEP
Evidence submitted by expert panel
Mitochondrial Diseases VCEP
The m.14633A>G (p.M14T) variant in MT-ND6 was reviewed by the Mitochondrial Disease Nuclear and Mitochondrial Variant Curation Expert Panel on March 28, 2023. There are no individuals or families with this variant reported in the medical literature to our knowledge. There are several occurrences in population databases. This variant is absent in GenBank MITOMAP sequences. It is present in 0.005% of individuals in gnomAD v3.1.2 (two homoplasmic occurrences in individuals of European background and haplogroup HV; one homoplasmic occurrence in an individual of African/African American background and haplogroup L3) and in 0.005% of individuals in the Helix dataset (10 homoplasmic occurrences and two heteroplasmic occurrences). In silico tools (APOGEE) predict this variant to be neutral (score of 0.4, BP4). There are no cybrid, single fiber, or other studies reported for this variant. In summary, this variant meets criteria to be classified as uncertain significance for primary mitochondrial disease inherited in a mitochondrial manner. This classification was approved by the NICHD/NINDS U24 ClinGen Mitochondrial Disease Variant Curation Expert Panel on March 28, 2023. Mitochondrial DNA-specific ACMG/AMP criteria applied (PMID: 32906214): BP4.
Met criteria codes
In silico tools (APOGEE) predict this variant to be neutral (score of 0.4, BP4).
Not Met criteria codes
There are no cybrid, single fiber, or other studies reported for this variant.
There are no individuals or families with this variant reported in the medical literature to our knowledge.
There are no individuals or families with this variant reported in the medical literature to our knowledge.
There are several occurrences in population databases. This variant is absent in GenBank MITOMAP sequences. It is present in 0.005% of individuals in gnomAD v3.1.2 (two homoplasmic occurrences in individuals of European background and haplogroup HV; one homoplasmic occurrence in an individual of African/African American background and haplogroup L3) and in 0.005% of individuals in the Helix dataset (10 homoplasmic occurrences and two heteroplasmic occurrences).
In silico tools (APOGEE) predict this variant to be neutral (score of 0.4, BP4).
There are no individuals or families with this variant reported in the medical literature to our knowledge.
There are several occurrences in population databases. This variant is absent in GenBank MITOMAP sequences. It is present in 0.005% of individuals in gnomAD v3.1.2 (two homoplasmic occurrences in individuals of European background and haplogroup HV; one homoplasmic occurrence in an individual of African/African American background and haplogroup L3) and in 0.005% of individuals in the Helix dataset (10 homoplasmic occurrences and two heteroplasmic occurrences).
There are no individuals or families with this variant reported in the medical literature to our knowledge.
There are no cybrid, single fiber, or other studies reported for this variant.
There are several occurrences in population databases. This variant is absent in GenBank MITOMAP sequences. It is present in 0.005% of individuals in gnomAD v3.1.2 (two homoplasmic occurrences in individuals of European background and haplogroup HV; one homoplasmic occurrence in an individual of African/African American background and haplogroup L3) and in 0.005% of individuals in the Helix dataset (10 homoplasmic occurrences and two heteroplasmic occurrences).
The information on this website is not intended for direct diagnostic use or medical decision-making without review by a genetics professional. Individuals should not change their health behavior solely on the basis of information contained on this website. If you have questions about the information contained on this website, please see a health care professional.
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