The ClinGen Evidence Repository is an FDA-recognized human genetic variant database containing expert-curated assertions regarding variants' pathogenicity and supporting evidence summaries. [Disclaimer]

  • See Evidence submitted by expert panel for details.


953045 (ClinVar)

Gene: ITGA2B
Condition: Glanzmann's thrombasthenia
Inheritance Mode: Autosomal recessive inheritance
UUID: 579dcde6-1990-4355-8416-0bfb744926eb
Approved on: 2020-09-04
Published on: 2021-01-22

HGVS expressions



Met criteria codes 6
PVS1_Strong PS3 PM2_Supporting PP1 PM3 PP4_Strong

Evidence Links 4

Expert Panel

Criteria Specification Information

Criteria Specifications for this VCEP
Evidence submitted by expert panel
Platelet Disorders VCEP
The NM_000419.4:c.2915dup variant in exon 28 causes a frameshift and results in premature termination in exon 30, Leu973AlafsTer63. In-vitro studies show absent integrin expression on the cell surface (PMID: 15748238). At least 5 individuals including a sibling pair with this variant have been reported in the literature. In summary, based on the evidence available at this time, the variant is classified as pathogenic. GT-specific criteria applied: PVS1_Strong, PS3, PM2_supporiting, PM3, PP1, PP4_strong.
Met criteria codes
PVS1_strong is met because the variant is in exon 28 and results in termination of the mRNA transcript at amino acid position 1035 in exon 30 and is therefore not expected to undergo NMD. Based on the SVI decision tree, the termination occurs in the cytoplasmic domain and removes <10% of the protein but the entire transmembrane domain is altered which is part of the Platelet Disorders VCEP defined critical region and is expected to alter protein function.
Evidence from PMID: 15748238 meets criteria for PS3. Expression vectors bearing wild-type αIIb or αIIb with the insertion of an additional 'C' between nucleotides 2911 and 2916 were cotransfected into COS-7 cells with wild-type β3. Surface expression of the mutant αIIbβ3 complex was found to be absent by confocal microscopy, using PE‐labeled anti‐integrin αIIbβ3, and by flow cytometry, using PerCP‐labeled antiβ3. Immunoprecipitation and Endo-H sensitivity analyses revealed that the mutant αIIb did not mature but was able to form a complex with β3. Since there was absence of integrin expression on the cell surface, the authors suggest that the mutant αIIbβ3 complex must be degraded by the intrinsic quality control system in the ER.

PM2 is not met based on gnomAD v2.1.1 because the variant is found in 2/18384 alleles, in the East Asian population and the threshold for PM2 is less than 1 in 10,000 alleles. However, gnomAD v3 includes an additional 3,134 alleles from the East Asian population without the variant, which brings this below the <1/10,000 allele frequency.
PP1 is met as the the 2 affected siblings, GT41a and GT41b, in PMID: 25728920 are compound heterozygous for this variant and Ala31ProfsTer2.

Two compound heterozygous siblings are reported with the pathogenic Ala31ProfsTer2 variant in trans with Leu973Alafs, with phase confirmation (PMID: 25728920). This variant was also determined to be in trans with pathogenic Arg782Ter but the phase was not confirmed (PMID: 28888044).

PP4 is met (at least 5 probands from PMID: 25728920, 28888044, 19691478, 15748238) because it meets the bleeding and laboratory phenotype criteria including mucocutaneous bleeding, impaired aggregation with all agonists except ristocetin, and reduced surface expression of αIIbβ3. At least one proband of PMID: 25728920 meets PP4_strong.

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